Thursday, October 15, 2009

12 Ways To Be Happy

So, what is Happiness and how do we be happy most of the time?

Firstly, we must remember we are the main character of our own story, so we are in-charge or the main architect of our emotions. It is an inside job, of what we tell ourselves daily.

Here are 12 ways to be HAPPY:

1) Be intentional- train your mind to search out Positivity.
You are responsible for your own happiness and thoughts. Train your mind to think positively. 

2) Count your Blessings, however small it may be. 
Is it your messy child or partner whom you have and others are wishing for and could not? Is it the small house but cosy home that some refugees are hoping for? Be grateful for what you have.

3) Start each morning with a Smile.
Wake up everyday with a smile and tell yourself that today is going to be a beautiful day. Have a positive mindset, feed your ears with upbeat tune, mind with good resources and wear that smile that gives off good vibes to people around you, spreading joy. That joy will radiate and bounce back to you ultimately, and draw people to you.

4) Physical Exercising or Dancing. 
As exercising release endorphin, try some light- weight exercising. It keeps you healthy physically too.

5) Surround yourself with your Favorite People. 
Bond with great company of friends and whom you love. Sharing laughter is always fun.  Spend more time like these. 

6) Don't let Small things upset you
Learn to let go of things you simply can't control, go; be it a traffic jam or bad weather. Think positively. My uncle who did not make it to the Empire State Building for a meeting during the fateful day of September 11 attack survived today because he was late.

7) Forgive. 
Everyone makes mistake. No one is perfect or sin- less. Whether the person is sorry for his or her mistake, we cannot erase the past. Do not let his or her wrong- doings control or take a hold of your entire life not to be happy. 

8) If you recognize you are starting to feel sluggish or moody- Shift thoughts.  
Take control of the feeling by re-generating your energy to some activities. Drink some calming tea, do some gardening, chat with a good friend, go for a run or listen to some upbeat music and do some funny dance moves when no one is looking. don't dwell on it.

9) Seek joy in everyday living and do things that makes you enjoy and celebrate life. 
Soak in the sun, embrace nature, volunteer. Do you love cooking, watching a movie, reading or travelling? Do what you love that gives you joy. Keep yourself busy as a busy person has no time to be feeling blue.

10) Don't be overly bothered or worried by what others think of you. 
If they are talking behind you and gossiping, they are already behind you. Your over- thinking or concern might weight you down. Whatever it is, just kill them with a smile and move on. Your life do not depend on them nor should be empowered by trivial gossip which might be temporary or non- existent. Do not give it any power to harm your well being. 

11) Don't wait for things to get better by itself. 
Take charge. Life will always be complicated. Recognize you can't please everyone. But try to learn to live with peace with everybody. Otherwise, you'll run out of time.

12) Comparison is a thief of joy. 
Stop comparing with your peers and neighbours. Be happy for them and be kind. Celebrate joy together and win the race well together in this life journey. It's more fun that way.


The above key combination in Windows that enables a computer user to terminate an unresponsive application. When all three keys are pressed at the same time, the Task Manager utility, which displays all open apps, can be selected from a menu. The Task Manager enables the user to shut down the computer properly and you can restart. 

Control Yourself 
Alter Your Thinking
Delete Negativity

Start living your life happy today. 
You can and You will. 

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