Funny Cabin Crew Stories
I was a cabin crew 15 years back. I had a great time going to wonderful foreign places and getting to know all sort of people from all over the world.
There were funny things which happened on board the plane all the time and I still smile when I thought of those funny moments.
1) When asked whether she would like to have beef or fish, an old woman with no teeth, could not pronounce properly and kept saying "Bish". After much struggle, we decided that fish is probably better for her as she may have no teeth to chew and encouraged her to take that.
2) "Treasure" Hunt- An old woman has completed her meal and returned her tray told us much later during the flight that she must have misplaced her prized posession (dentures) in her tray. We have to search and comb through all the carts to find her lost treasure.
3) A man must have thought that the airplane was a fantastic invention with superb gadgets. He must have thought that the air vents were microphone and kept standing up to shout near it that he would like to have 2 glasses of coke. The cabin crew who walked by, controlled her laughter and handed him the drinks he requested. To her dismay much later, he did it again, requesting for another glass of drink. Maybe some one can look into inventing a "drive through" order concept near the seats?
4) 15 years back when passengers were allowed to smoke in the aft rows, there was a man who did not noticed that there was air vents on the top of his seats. He tried to ignite the cigarette several times but the strong gush of air from the vents detered him from lighting it up. After many attempts, he lowered the shades from the window and put his hand over the cigarette and it was successful. The crew who saw the whole thing was at first speechless but laughed secretly afterwards as she thought it was quite amusing.
5) An inexperienced traveller reported to the crew that the "washing machine" took too long and she wanted to have her clothes back. My colleague was dumb- founded and had to explain that it was a toilet bowl and not a washing machine!
6) We had a flight training and during emergency landing, we are supposed to shout "Run, jump, Help at the bottom!" But I remembered one of our colleagues from another base/ country shouted "Run, jump, HELL at the bottom!". Alot of Singapore based, roared with laughter as she mis- pronounced it. Think no one would jump if HELL is at the bottom!
7) Check out some of the crazy things flight attendants do-
Well, I must say that all the laughter made us enjoyed our jobs more.
Saturday, June 21, 2008

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