We have to save Planet Earth!
Though we are not super heroes, each of us can contribute our little fair share to mininimize the effect of global warming.
Remember the star fish story of how a boy keeps throwing back the star fish back to the sea to save each one? Someone challenged him and told him that he can't save every star fish from drying up, so there is no point of throwing them back. But he replied that, at least, it makes a difference to that particular starfish he saves and prolong the lives of them disappearing from the face of the earth. It was well said and replied. What are you doing today to save the dwelling place which you live in?
I know some of you mentioned that you don't care, as you do not intend to have any off- springs. But it may be too late to care only when natural diaster fall upon our very lives and loved ones, to experience suffering then to adopt a change in attitude.
Time is passing by fast. We have to act fast too. There are reports of polar bears in the artic have been found drowning as some of them cannot find thick ice to stand on. They can't fish through the think ice as fishes senses danger through the thin ice and is dying of hunger. Temperature has been rising steadily as has been tracked according to Al Gore's lecturer, a strong believer and advocate for the green movement. Log to the link below find out more:
If humans do not react readily to change the ways we live, there may be more disasters like flood and famine around the world. This is due to the cause of temperature rising in the north and bringing the ice berg to melt and hence, the whole cycle of ecological temperature is messed up. It has thus caused some part of the earth to have flood while it's neighbouring country is having a drought. Maldives is predicted to drown in a few years time due to this reason as well and they are looking around for other island to purchase so that they can have another place to live in. Is that not a sad that the reputed island should disappear in our times? It does seems like we have reaped what we sow by not heeding its warning signs.
I urge all my fellow earthings, citizens (we are living so near the equator), friends and all parents to do our part to save our earth. Let's do our part to recycle, conserve energy, find new ways to reduce ways etc. We may not be heroes, but we are the custordians of our next generation's lives. Let's set a good example for them to follow and be proud of.
Saturday, December 13, 2008

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