Thursday, June 4, 2009

Protect your children from paedophile

Protect our Children from Paedophile

As parents, we need to protect our children, regardless of their gender.

There is an increasing trend of "disturbed" people these days , who lure children to secluded places like toilets or staircases to assault them. We read about a lot of such cases in our local papers. They can come in many "forms". They posed as cops and pretend to check for hidden cigarettes in the girls' bodies, hide in male toilets and wait for the same gender prey or even pretend to be the same age as our children, chat with them on- line and then asked them out to get to befriend them. Even 1 teacher has been caught to be molesting his pupil after she confided in him and he brought her to the staff wash room and started to hug and kiss her. My neighbour told me there was an Indonesian maid who "played" with her boss's 5 or 6 year old son's genitals every night. She only found out when her maid went back and her son asked her mother to "play" with it. These are all very disturbing to parents who try to ensure that their children grow up in a right environment. You can't seem to trust anyone as you can see all the roles I mentioned seem to be in the roles where they are supposed to be in a upright position to care for our next generation.

Internet games- Beware of the sites they surf!!

To cite more real life examples, my daughter has been playing internet games and there were a few occasions whereby the male characters in the game, asked if she would like to meet up. 1 of them even asked if she had sex before. My daughter is only 8 years old. It is fortunate she told me about it and I have since then explained to her to be careful with these people and banned her from such sites. It is important for us to educate and explain things to them before forbidding them to go to such sites. The less you educate and explain will only arouse their curiousity and make them want to find out more. 1 of my daughter's friends has also been asked to meet one of the gamers but we have since informed her mother about it. I think it is important that we watch out for each other's children's safety.

In the lift

The potential danger that our children face nowadays ar more complicated than our days when we were younger. I remembered vividly how a 20 year old man touched me when I was 9 years old when I was in a lift with my sister. Fortunately, he left halfway through after my sister, then 7 year old, stared at him fiercely.

In the crowded bus

There was another occasion when I was travelling on a packed bus to school and there was a man who seem to keep brushing his hands against my body when the bus came to a halt. I could not quite confirm and deliberately move to the rear and watch him from there. Sure enough, he was using every opportunity when the bus came to a stop, to brush his hands against another female student. I told my friend about it and she suggests that I take my name tag to poke him if I ever caught him to doing it to anyone. I changed school shortly after, did not take the same bus number and did not manage to do it to him after that.

As parents, we need to speak to our children about the lurking danger of some perverse adults preying on them. There are paedophile who prefer boys. Hence, we cannot let our guards down even if they are boys. There is also a trait that some of these boys who are molested, grow up to prefer males after such sexual encounter or assault. So, all the more, we have to protect them to ensure that their paths to adulthood is not fraught with all these dangers and affect their sexual orientation.

Do not wait, talk to your kids and educate them when they are young. They have to know that it is wrong for anyone to touch their body, especially places where it is covered by clothes. Encourage them to talk and tell you if there are people who do so.

Though we cannot protect our children 24/7, we can impart them the values of loving their body and not let anyone touch them unneccessarily. Bond with them closely and be alert if they suddenly seem withdrawn or troubled. Do not allow them to surf any sites with on-line chat (if possible), monitor their on-line history and chat with them about their friends so that you are aware of their circle of friends and peers.

Raising our children and protecting them every second is never easy. But as long as we take careful measures to prevent it and pay attention to the minute details, we can do it right and make sure that we have perform our paternal roles well.

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